Features-TEST - MediFellows
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Stay connected with your healthcare community
through MediFellows.


Stay connected with your healthcare community through MediFellows.


Create your Profile with your basic information, selecting your speciality and field(s) of interest. Your profile is all about you, your qualifications and achievements. Whether you are a student, pharmacist, nurse, professor, or other Healthcare expert, your profile showcases your professional background and experience.

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The Events section of the MediFellows app can be used for literally any occasion. Whether it's a small group of fellows that want to create a get together to discuss current developments within the industry, or an exhibition open to the community featuring the latest in available modern healthcare technology.

Here is where you can make it all happen!

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Your Timeline represents your daily interaction with the healthcare community: keeping you up-to-date with the latest articles, case studies, and events. Share anything you find interesting that is related to the healthcare industry with your fellows.

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Medifellows allows you to create three different types of communities. Each has been designed to serve a specific purpose. The goal is for you to easily connect and collaborate with your closest fellows.

With MediFellows you can create three different types of communities:
• Closed Communities
• Secret Communities
• Public Communities

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Create your Profile with your basic information, selecting your speciality and field/s of interest. Your profile is all about you, your qualifications and achievements. Whether you are a student, pharmacist, nurse, professor, or other Healthcare expert, your profile showcases your professional background and experience.


The Events section of the MediFellows app can be used for literally any occasion. Whether it's a small group of fellows that want to create a get together to discuss current developments within the industry, or an exhibition open to the community featuring the latest in available modern healthcare technology.
Here is where you can make it all happen!


Your Timeline represents your daily interaction with the healthcare community; keeping you up-to-date with the latest articles, case studies, and events. Share anything you find interesting, relating to the healthcare industry, with your fellows.


Medifellows allows you to create three different types of communities. Each has been designed to serve a specific purpose. The goal is for you to easily connect and collaborate with your closest fellows.
With MediFellows you can create three different types of communities:
• Closed Communities
• Secret Communities
• Public Communities

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for free

MediFellows is a secure social networking app exclusively for Healthcare Professionals - including Students, Practitioners and Industry leaders. It provides a digital safe space for the Healthcare community to easily access credible content, relevant activities, and promotes productive interaction within the industry.

Download the app
for free

MediFellows is a secure social networking app exclusively for Healthcare Professionals - including Students, Practitioners and Industry leaders. It provides a digital safe space for the Healthcare community to easily access credible content, relevant activities, and promotes productive interaction within the industry.